We are all (errrr....most of us) living in some sort of alternative reality where every day is WFH Day. While it may not be ideal (and we still have no clue when this all will end!), we've inadvertently become remote working pros.
8 Hacks to Celebrate Work From Home Day...Forever?!

So, we heard today is Work From Home Day...
Several of our team members rounded up their work from home "hacks" in hopes that it provides just a bit of solace to you and your colleagues ( whether the by human, canine, feline or aviary colleagues) during these trying times.
Remember To Unplug
Communications Specialist, Nicole Mosley, recommends to unplug.
"As it is for everyone, working from home during this crisis has been a big adjustment for me and it’s definitely taken some time for me to adapt. As someone who struggles with anxiety, creating healthy boundaries is one of the most effective ways for me to reduce stress and work more efficiently, and this is more important now than ever before.
The biggest tip I’ve used to maximize my productivity and stay balanced during this time is remembering to unplug. It’s really easy to blur the boundaries between work and your personal time when there’s no clear physical space to distinguish these two aspects of your life. Keeping track of my tasks and hours and remembering to disconnect when I’m done for the day has been so helpful in maintaining a balanced routine.
At the end of each work day, I give myself something to look forward to after I’ve completed my tasks. Some nights it’s sharing dinner with my family or going on a walk together; others it’s taking a new online course or taking time to organize an area of my space. This time is special to me each day because it allows me to be fully present and free from distraction. Remembering to disconnect has also helped me stay refreshed and ready each day when it’s time to tackle new client projects and challenges. Being intentional about how I spend my personal time outside of work has also helped me embrace these unusual times. I have come to see being at home as a unique opportunity to make time for things that bring joy to my day, no matter how small they may be."

Invest In Visual Tools For Organization
Account Coordinator, Nirmi Bhakta, recommends using tools that help with visualizing and organizing her time.
"I use a big cork board above my desk to visualize my major tasks for the week and use smaller post-its for daily tasks that I can take down once I've finished them! Having it front and center helps keep me on track and focused with all the distractions that come with working from home."

Take Your Work On The Road
Account Manager, Karren Lovelady, likes to work on the go!
"My favorite WFH trick/hack has been having a hot spot and being able to travel and still work :)
My second hack was cutting an eraser to replace the pad on my trackpad."

Work In The Great Outdoors
Junior Communications Specialist, Brooke Kaplan, takes her work outside.
"My working at home hack is to work outside, if possible. For me, it not only allows for an escape from the everyday hustle and bustle inside my home but also allows me space to move during the day and enjoy the fresh air."

Rescue A Dog
Leading Mind & COO, Melina Soroka, is all about that canine life.
"Especially if you live in an apartment, there is no better time than now to rescue a dog (or two!). They’ll help you maintain a routine and remind you to step away from the computer and get walking several times a day.
Better yet, smaller dogs = smaller bladders = more frequent walks."

Get Creative With Your Workspace And Step Away From The Screen
Communications Specialist, Lauren Miller, came up with a genius workspace hack!
"If you desk set up isn't comfortable for 8 hour work days, a step ladder makes a great portable desk that you can move around!"
She also recommends stepping away from the screen.
"All of this extended screen time can have a lot of negative side effects including headaches, eye fatigue and more. Instead of binging Netflix after work, I've been taking a break from the screens to create new recipes, catch up on podcasts and listen to audiobooks!"

Account Strategist and proud cat lady, Jess Portillo, has a great tip for fellow cat parents.
"Catnip. Sprinkle some catnip away from your workspace and the cats are too distracted to let you know how they really feel about that meeting."

Get Up And Move Around...Often
Leading Mind & CEO, Jenny Gustafson, recommends. going for a walk...or a spin.
"Before Like Minds was an official agency, my sweet husband built me a custom desk where I could work and study. Once we moved into our office as a team, the desk sat idle far too often. Now, I am more grateful than ever for my gorgeous desk.
Regardless of my adoration of my home workspace, it's not good for my posture, psyche or general work/life integration to sit at said desk for eight to ten hours straight. I feel VERY lucky to own a Peloton and I make it a priority to hop on the bike several days a week, either to start my day or to close out my evening. Likewise, I've started allowing myself to get up and walk around my house for five to ten minutes at a time, to steal baby kisses from my seven-month-old son, Raegan, and to move from the desk to my bedroom "meditation nook" for a quick mid-day meditation session powered by Peloton."